Author Article Title Affiliation
tourism management conference Prof. Dr.Mohamed Boukherouk Creative tourism and destinations resilience, analysis of the case of the CreativeFriendly label of the Essaouira Teacher-researcher Applied Science Research Laboratory environment and sustainable development (SAEDD) Essaouira Higher School of Technology Cadi Ayyad University Morocco, Morocco.
tourism management conference Prof. Dr.Koustab Ghosh Abusive supervision: Boon or bane in hospitality organization? Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India
tourism management conference Prof. Dr.Filareti Kotsi Pan-Europeanism and the Disney version: Place attachment of German and French visitors to Europa Park and Disneyland Paris Zayed University, The United Arab Emirates
Paula Manuela Oliveira Tavares de Carvalho Prof. Dr.Paula Tavares de Carvalho Luxury Hotels Attributes A comparative analysis of Japanese and Chinese customers perceptions. ISCTE-BRU-IUL, Portugal
tourism management conference Prof. Dr.Michele Angelaccio Depolarization of Tourist Demand with Slow Tourism Feudos in Lazio: Cost-benefit Analysis using Monte Carlo Simulation University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
tourism management conference Dr. Kelly La Venture Circular Economy and Tourism Framework: A Rural Community Case Bemidji State University, The United States
tourism management conference Dr. Giuseppe Aliperti Apartment, hotel, or Aparthotel: Post-Covid-19 tourist behaviour in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country) University of Deusto, Spain
tourism management conference Dr.Hsuan Hsuan Chang The influence of Travel Risk Perceptions on travel behaviors: The moderating effects of public opinion climate Department of Leisure and Recreation Management, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan
The comparison study of travel decision-making process and considerations between Eastern and Western young adults
tourism management conference Dr. Paula Quinteiro Greentour – online tool to promote environmentally sustainable tourism University of Aveiro, Portugal
tourism management conference Dr.Nuri Wulandari The Financial Perspective of Umrah Pilgrimage Tourism Journey: Investigating Millennials in Indonesia Indonesia Banking School, Indonesia
tourism management conference Dr.Christina Dimitriou Fostering an ethical and inclusive work environment in hospitality and tourism organizations New Mexico State University, The United States
tourism management conference Dr. Adnan Dogar Exploring the Nexus between Tourism and Agriculture in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region –A Case of Murree, Pakistan. Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Kohsar University Murree, Pkaistan
Sevim Sezi Karayazi MSC. Sevim Sezi Karayazi Analyzing The Factors Of Visitors’ Heritage Location Choice In The Context Of Mass Tourism Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
tourism management conference Mrs. María Torrejón- Ramos Future Travellers: A Study of Generation Z’s Consumption Patterns Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
tourism management conference Mrs. Catarina Crespo Effect of COVID-19 crisis on RevPAR in Portugal and Spain CiTUR – Polytechnic University of Leiria, Portugal
tourism management conference Ms. Clio Flego Framing accessibility and inclusiveness in tourism and heritage: a literature review University of Genoa, Italy
Pinar Barut Ms. Pinar Barut The Effects of the FED’s Monetary Policy on Tourism & Hospitality Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence from Top Tourist Destinations Eastern Mediterrenean University, Turkey
Julia Warden Ms. Julia Warden Post-COVID Opportunities and Challenges of American Theme Parks in Japan University of Notre Dame, The United States
Szuyin Liu Ms. Szuyin Liu The festival space and urban tourism of Dihua Street in Taipei City School of Architecture, Tsinghua University , China
Tasneem Binte Morshed Ms. Tasneem Binte Morshed Women travelers and social media: A bibliometric approach Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
tourism management conference Mr. Artur Żyto Cultural heritage tourism around legally protected areas on the example of Stołowe Mountains National Park (Poland) Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

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